
Privacy Policy for Cynde

Cynde is committed to the protection of the privacy of our clients and users of our website

It is our aim to provide a safe and secure user experience for all of our clients and visitors to our site. We will ensure that any information you submit to us via our website is only used for the purposes set out in this policy and that we have obtained permission from you for all information we hold and use.

If you have any concerns about our use of the information you have provided then please contact us at your earliest convenience by email at


What Information Do We Collect and How Is That Information Used?

Cynde may collect your personal details including, but not limited to, your name and contact details including your e-mail address and any other relevant information with your express permission. This information is held and used by us in the following ways until permission is withdrawn:

  • To continue to provide our services to you.
  • To maintain our business relationship throughout the lifetime of that relationship, where you are a client or user of our website or services.
  • To enable us to answer any queries you may have.
  • To market our products and services to you; to keep you updated on any relevant news; to update you on any events, promotions and competitions, reports and any other information we feel may be relevant or of interest to you. You retain the right to unsubscribe from such communications at any time.
  • To fulfil contractual obligations with you.
  • To enable the development and marketing of other products and services by the Cynde.
  • To continually improve our customer service efforts and to make our services more valuable to you.
  • Cynde may also release personal information to regulatory or law enforcement agencies, if they require us to do so. We will only disclose your information where we are permitted and requested to do so by law.
  • Cynde will also seek your consent to collect, hold, and use your personal information for any other purpose not listed above, but will continue to do so only if your permission is given and from which you understand you can withdraw permission.
  • It is the policy of Cynde to hold all information in complete confidence. Your privacy is important to us and we will never share any user or client information with any outside organisations, for whatever purpose, unless we are legally required to do so.
  • If we are holding historic data about you that no longer is of use or has any significance it will be deleted unless you have given consent, or there is some kind of legal obligation, to retain it.
  • Only members of Cynde staff that need to have access to your information to carry out their normal duties will be allowed access to the information.
  • By law we have appointed a representative to oversee the application of our privacy policy. That representative is Amy Clarke and any concerns over the retention, use or disclosure of your information should be addressed to her by email at


Your Right to Access

The law states that you have the right at any time to ask us to share with you the information that we hold that you have supplied to us. If you make such a request we will ask you to verify your identity and possibly ask you to give us more information about such a request. We may need to charge a nominal fee for this service for administrative purposes. We will only refuse your request if we are legally permitted or required to do so. If this is the case then we will give you reasons for doing so. To make a request for information, please contact

Please be aware that you have the right to ask Cynde to stop using the information that you have supplied us. Under the right to erasure you can also request for deletion of your file, although you should be aware that in some circumstances we may not be required or able to do so, particularly where your file also holds information about our clients or financial information that we need to keep for periods of up to six years; i.e. which relate to tax matters. If, under any circumstances, we cannot comply with your request for information we will provide a full explanation as to why this is so.


Other Websites That May Have Links to Ours

By clicking on certain links on the Cynde website you may be transferred to another website owned by a different company. Please be aware that their data privacy practices may differ from these practiced by Cynde. In that case you should consult the other websites’ privacy policies. Cynde is not responsible for, and has no control over, information that is submitted to, or collected by, other companies or their websites.


Future Changes to Our Privacy Policy

Cynde reserves the right to change our privacy policy at any time in accordance with any legal requirements, or changes to the rules concerning privacy and the retention of information. If, in the future, we do make changes to our privacy policy we will make users aware of changes or updates using a prominent notice that will be displayed on our website. If you continue to make use of the Cynde website, or any of our services, after such changes have taken place it will signal your acceptance of the changes we have made.

If you have questions or concerns about the online privacy policy maintained by Cynde, please feel free to email us at